About me

My name is Gemma Jones, 21 year old woman from a small town in North Wales.
In 2010 when I was 13 years old I was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa and Depression. Later that year I was admitted to an adolescent unit for mental health. It was a tough few years and a tough fight, but I got there in the end.

Through lots of ups and downs, five years on, I have maintained a healthy weight.
I never thought I would get this far, I lost hope so many times and kept going down hill but one day I just woke up and thought to myself  'I will win this'.
 It wasn't easy but I worked with the nurses and doctors to get myself better,so I could go home to my family and so I could start living again. I am now at the stage where I know what a healthy diet is and what to do if I have my bad days.

I thought by writing this blog I could share my story to help others and to show them it does get better. I want people to know there is light at the end of tunnel, you might feel your losing right now but I promise it will get better.
I have learnt that whatever life throws at you makes you stronger, and that you just have to fight through the tough times and stay positive.

I am always here to help, my e-mail is in my blog.

Gem x

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