Monday 4 September 2017

The end of 2011

September 2011
This month was my next big step, the day I started at my new school. I was excited but nervous at the same time, the teachers introduced me to a girl in my registration class. She was really nice and showed me where to go, I recognized a few people that I went to primary school with. At that point I was quite anxious to go to them incase they didn't recognize me. The first day went well, I made a few friends and got on well with the teachers.

Few months went by and I was really enjoying school, I had came off my meal plan in that time. At first I found it difficult because I had a routine and ate certain food. It was hard eating normally again as I was anxious about putting on weight. I had told nobody in school about my past as I was scared they wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. Eventually I told the girls I was friends with and they were very supportive. There was a time in school that I struggled to eat and left some but my friend noticed and made sure I ate it all. After eating all of the meal I felt really guilty and anxious, but that passed.

I did a lot with my friends out side of school which I hadn't done in years, as I isolated myself from everyone. My family were really happy about my progress and were happy I was socializing with friends. 

Christmas 2011
I broke up for the Christmas holidays, it was my first Christmas after recovering. The Christmas before wasn't enjoyable as I was watching what I ate and didn't enjoy the Christmas dinner. That year I was looking forward to being able to eat Christmas dinner. Christmas day arrived, I was looking forward to spending it with my family and enjoying it . We sat down for dinner and I managed to eat it all and I enjoyed it. After a bit I did feel a bit guilty but I fought through those anorexic thoughts. It was a good Christmas, I had my struggles but I got through them with the help of my family.

New Years Eve 2011
I was so happy that New Years Eve arrived, I couldn't wait to say goodbye to 2011.
2011 was a difficult year for me and my family, but we all got through it together. Going through anorexia was very difficult not just for me but for my family too. It affected them a lot, there were times I would feed my little sister up and compare myself to her. Which did ruin our relationship at the time, the anorexia came between me and my family. They all stuck by my side and helped me get through it, I couldn't have done it without all their support.

I celebrated with my family, we all managed to stay up till midnight and see in the new year.We were all happy to see the back of that year, I was excited to start fresh in 2012.

I will be going more into detail about the way anorexia affected me physically and mentally, and how it affected my family. Further into my blog I will be going into my battle and continuing battle with depression and anxiety.

That's all for today but make sure to come back tomorrow evening to read how I began 2012.

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